Friday, July 23, 2010

Tour Life Backstage - The Stolen Bike Blues

The Androcles and the Lion Arizona Tour had its last performance in June of 2010. All of us on the cast have moved on to new projects or are getting ready for new adventures in our lives. I'm finally getting an opportunity to share what life on the tour was like this spring.

I have posted here what I believe to be one of the most precious moments on our tour and a scene that bespeaks the kind of backstage fun we would have before shows. Before you watch this video, let me give you some context.

Jesse Berger (Pantalone) arrived one morning on set and announce that his wife's bike had been stolen. We all lamented the fact and each morning we would be updated on the hunt for the thief. (Eventually, the thief was found out thanks to some social networking and Craig's List.)

The other thing you need to know is that Jeremiah Clay Neal (Lion) is an accomplished musician and would more often than not pick up his guitar before a show and play some tunes. One or more of us would usually chime in and sing along with him as we were putting on our costumes or warming up.

Anyway, a few days after the bicycle theft, Jeremiah was playing a blues riff and a few of us were taking turns making up verses of the "Stolen Bike Blues." I didn't capture any of the verses but a reenactment of the last verse, sung by Kate Haas (Isabella).

My favorite part though happens right at the end when Anthony Toudjarov (Captain) comes flying into the picture because it is so typical of how we finished most of our singing episodes in a panicked fashion.

Enjoy our shenanigans!